Friday, July 3, 2009

Fife was at it again!!

Yesterday, we drove to Bad Sackingen, Germany to find an apartment that would be near Basel, Switzerland. We are dropping Ken and Linda in Basel to meet Ken's son, Bill on the 17th of July. We are leaving most of our luggage in Bad Sackingen next week, so that we'll have room in our tiny car for the four of us to travel together and then we'll pick the luggage up after we drop off Ken and Linda. Confused? Me too. Anyway, to find an apartment we stopped at the tourist information office and got a printout of available places. We used Fifi to find these places. As you can see by the last picture above, she led us on a merry chase. We did a lot of back tracking!! We did find a very nice place and will move there tomorrow. It is right in the city and close to lots of things to do. The main thing is that Bad Sackingen is right on the Rhein River. We're hoping to find some trails along the river for some good walks. Today, we're Skyping family---my brother Scott and sister-in-law, Vicki, John, and hopefully, Jeff. Talked to Jen yesterday. Sure great having these family connections.
The rest of the pictures are from our drive back to Titisee yesterday afternoon. It probably was the prettiest part of the Black Forest that we have seen--very mountainous, lots of huge rocks. Gorgeous.
Not sure when I can post again---probably on Monday the 6th.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It is raining again--every afternoon since we arrived in Titisee. It's ok, though. We do what we want in the morning. It rained all the way back on the train from Freiberg. Another big, congested city. We did a lot of walking. I found a used book store that had English books!! Have enough,now, to ge me home. This morning, we took a walk in the Black Forest. You can tell by the pictures! Went to a waterfall and then had lunch in a cute little Gasthaus at the bottom of the falls. Then it started pouring. Tomorrow we may go check out places to stay near the border of Germany and Switzerland. Tonight, we watch tv---well, we watch CNN International. The only English speaking channel. Same news day after day. Be glad to get back to Judge Judy.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

More pics from Zeeland, Holland with Henk and Corry Boomstra

Pictures from the North Sea and towns in Zeeland--sorry Corry I can't remembe their names!! Beautiful country.

Freiberg, Titisee, and 10,000 kilometers

Sorry it's been so long since I have posted to the blog. Today, is the first day the Internet Cafe has been open. We arrived in Titisee on Saturday morning and found another apartment for a week. We are about 60 km from everything we want to see. Titisee is a crater lake in the Black Forsest of Germany. The first picture and the third picture are of the Black Forsest. Just beautiful here. Weather has been a little iffy. Rain everyday. On Sunday, we drove to Brubenbach where they were having a old car/tractor/motorcycle show. A local community thing. We had something to eat and listened to the oompa band (last picture)--kind of fun. Yesterday, it rained all day so we did nothing. We just got back to Titisee after riding the train to Freiberg. Another, large, busy city. Did a lot of walking and had lunch. This town was pretty much demolished during WWII, so there were not many old buildings.
We had such a good time at Corry and Henk's house. They took us on a tour of two local towns that are very old and quaint. We shopped and ate lunch--walked the beach of the North Sea. On Thursday night we took them out to dinner and had a great meal of the local fish. They have a lovely home and we really appreciated their hospitality.
Saturday we move on to somewhere near the border of Germany and Switzerland. Ken and Linda arrive on the 8th and we tour Switzerland with them for a week. Hard to believe that in 3 weeks from today we head back home. Yea!! We're ready!!!

Capanna Hotel

Capanna Hotel
Where I work